Nicole Lapin: Page 2
Financial Journalist, New York Times Bestselling Author, Anchor
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Latest: Page 2
Want to Make More Money? Get Comfortable Asking This One Hard Question.
You can't negotiate salary without this crucial knowledge.
Why Advertisements for Free Credit Reports Are Scams
Only one site will tell you your true credit score.
How to Negotiate Your Way to Better Rates on Your Bills
Most companies would rather throw you a bone than lose you as a customer.
How to Sell Your Extra Stuff
Don't just throw away or store the stuff you don't need -- sell it (or rent it) and make a profit.
Faking It: Make a Big First Impression With a Small Budget
Look like a big shot without having to spend like one.
5 Important Financial Questions to Ask Your Significant Other
Don't put off asking about finances just because it might get a little awkward.