Jessica Wong: Page 4
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder and CEO of Valux Digital and uPro Digital.
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Latest: Page 4
What Brands Need to Know About Social Commerce
Social commerce needs to be at the top of your list if your brand relies on online sales.
Understanding the Power of Design and Branding
Brand messages must be complemented by powerful design elements. Both must be consistently applied across all marketing channels in order to be effective.
5 pasos para mejorar su estrategia de comercio social
Una sinergia dinámica de comercio electrónico y plataformas de redes sociales, el comercio social está demostrando ser un impulsor de ventas confiable: cómo hacer que pague por usted.
5 Steps to Level Up Your Social-Commerce Strategy
A dynamic synergy of ecommerce and social media platforms, social commerce is proving to be a dependable sales driver: How to make it pay for you.
Align These 2 Communications Keys to Fast Track Your Business's Success
Businesses can improve their credibility and sales performance by putting brand values at the heart of their PR messages.
Alinee estas 2 claves de comunicación para acelerar el éxito de su negocio
Las empresas pueden mejorar su credibilidad y rendimiento de ventas poniendo los valores de la marca en el centro de sus mensajes de relaciones públicas.