Michigan Economic Development Corporation
Brand Spotlight Partner What's This?
Michigan is a Hub for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Our Season 6 Elevator Pitch contestants say Michigan's startups are focused on technology and innovation.
Michigan's Business Culture is Fueled by Collaboration, Hard Work, and Drive
Our Season 6 Elevator Pitch contestants know the secret to Michigan's great business community.
Where Things are Made: Michigan is Home to Innovation and a Thriving Business Community
Our Season 6 Elevator Pitch contestants discuss what makes them proud to be a Michigan business.
In Michigan, the Startup Community is Dedicated to Business Growth
Our Season 6 Elevator Pitch contestants discuss how their community has been pivotal to their growth.
Why Your Business Should Consider Starting or Expanding in Michigan
Our Season 6 Elevator Pitch contestants provide insight on the perks of launching and expanding a business in Michigan.
Advantages of Doing Business in Michigan
What's the advantage of doing business in Michigan? Our Elevator Pitch Season 6 contestants have the answer.